National Airs
The National Airs is a six-volume song series first published by William Power in Dublin and James Power in London between 1818 and 1827. Thomas Moore selected the melodies from more than twelve European nations or regions including Spain, France, Denmark and Italy.

Further information
Moore set lyrics to these melodies and collaborated with Dublin based composer Sir John Stevenson who composed the piano accompaniments for the first number. For the second to sixth numbers Moore collaborated with London based composer Henry Rowley Bishop. Copies of each number are available within the ERIN database catalogue, together with individual copies of the most popular songs in the series as well as new editions published post 1827.
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Collection of electronic images with attached metadata:
The dissemination of Thomas Moore’s National Airs in Europe - This collection maps the chronological and geographical dissemination of Thomas Moore's National Airs in comparison with similar European projects.
Associated narrative exhibit
The dissemination of Thomas Moore’s National Airs in nineteenth-century Europe - This exhibition maps the chronological and geographical dissemination of Thomas Moore's National Airs, and also explores similar collections by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1727), Carl Czerny (1791-1857), and Edward Jones (1752-1824).